Saturday, April 15, 2017

Don's Floral Print Shirt

Don in his beautiful shirt
Don had a great floral print shirt on today for our blog tutorial extravaganza. It has a black background, with multitudes of colorful flora all over it. Some of my favorite greenery exhibited by Don's shirt include the big red flowers and the purple flowers. I think that those colors really stand among the green of the leaves and the black background. They aren't overstated, however, and blend seamlessly with the mass of green, pink, and yellow that also covers his shirt.

You mustn't mistake his shirt for one of those garish, tacky, and absolutely appalling tourist shirts that are all too common in the state of Hawaii. Don's shirt is more classy than that. The colors are more muted, and don't screech at you like some of the other vibrant floral print shirts that you might have seen. Don's shirt stands out, yet doesn't clash with the rest of his outfit, which consists of khakis and open-toed sandals. His outfit is a masterpiece of style, capped off by the beautiful shirt.

I will admit, however, that it is a little cold to be wearing something so obviously suited for warm weather. I myself came in jeans and a hoodie, but Don must be half polar bear, or another animal suited for cold weather because he seems totally unperturbed by the chill air surrounding him. Still though, Don picked a great outfit for today, regardless of the weather. The floral print shirt is just fantastic!

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