Saturday, May 14, 2016

Sleep Deprivation on a Saturday Morning

White viola.
April 5th, 2016
Yesterday was the official end of AP testing season. After two weeks of studying and a total of at least 12 hours spent taking the official exams, I was utterly exhausted.

That didn't stop me from rewarding myself, though.

After school had ended at 3:45 PM, I went home and prepared to meet my friends for a much-needed sleepover. Needless to say, the talking eventually stopped at around 2:00 AM, and if we're being honest I wasn't really asleep for the next four and a half hours.

Miraculously, I woke up at exactly 6:29 AM, beating my alarm. I got ready as quickly and as quietly as I could, both stressed out about and looking forward to the rest of my day. My mother picked me up and I made it to the Ivy League Connection tutorial on time.

Time to get down to business.

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