I love eating Lays chips, but not as much as Fritos chips. Fritos chips are more crunchy than lays chips. The Fritos logo looks more aesthetically pleasing than the Lays chips. Frito chips are the best. I will buy more Fritos chips the next time I will buy groceries and waste my budget on them, and I will have no regrets.
The cookies at the tutorial are good. They taste like oatmeal and chocolate, but I don't have the stomach to finish it. I have two oatmeal and chocolate cookies left over, I haven't even finished one cookie on my little paper plate. I have eaten at least six twizzler bars in a minimum of 10 minutes. I want to have the whole box to myself for later snacks. But, as they say, sharing is caring.
I still feel really cold in this De Anza classroom, but the food gives me warmth. Frito chips and cookies are the best thing to eat in the morning. Specifically at 9 am, in tutorial, with added twizzlers. My mouth feels a little dry eating all three of them together, but it was worth it. Who thought a combination like that would be so mind-blowing? I did.
The best thing mankind has ever made, thank you. |
I like these cookies, along with Fritos and Twizzlers. |
Along with this food adventure, we took photos outside. During our break taking photos, many of us, like Madison and I, took silly pictures. We went around the front of the school's campus and took many random shots to test out our photography skills.
Posing for a very old medical truck that hasn't been touched in De Anza. |