Hello world, my name is Komal. How is your life? My life is quite nice, actually not really, at least it
wasn't last night. I must lament to you about my troubles. Last night a dreadful event happened...I...and...my friend Jahnvi...weren't...able...to...go...to...prom.
I watched my friends on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat post pretty pictures in their pretty dresses and suits while I sat in my bed in pajamas. It was sort of sad. I tried to listen to music to elevate out of my sorrow, but it didn't help much. Then, I darkened my room and went to sleep.
Later in the night I woke up, well Jahnvi's text messages woke me up. And when I realized it was past midnight, I wasn't sad anymore. An evil grin formed on my face as I now could be happy that the dreadful prom was over.
things happen.... and after all ,prom is not the only thing u should be excited about.....u got a whole big wonderful life ahead of you!!!